Canine Breeder Excellence Seminar Series
This self-paced seminar series delivers, four 1-hour recorded webinars presented by leading experts.
Dr. Marty Greer – “How C-sections Can Maximize YOUR Breeding Program”
- Decision Making – when should you perform a C-section
- When is a C-section recommended
- Emergency C-section
- C-section prep
- Anesthesia
- Surgical procedures
- Puppy resuscitation
- Puppies at home
Dr. Joann Randall – “How Studly IS Your Stud?”
- What makes your dog ‘studly’?
- Pre breeding considerations – what you should look for before your stud breeds
- What is needed of your stud?
- Sperm concentration and the Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis System
- What causes sperm to be abnormal?
Dr. Erin Runcan – “Pearls and Pitfalls of Progesterone Testing”
- Types of progesterone tests available and how they differ in method and accuracy
- Selecting the best form of progesterone testing for your breeding program
- Strengths and limitations of progesterone testing in breeding management
Dr. Alyssa Helms – “Canine Brucellosis: What Every Breeder Needs to Know”
- What is Brucellosis?
- How is it transmitted?
- Clinical signs of disease
- How common is it?
- Testing: who, when, and why?
- Prevention and treatment
Currently, no CEUs are associated with this recorded webinar. Breeders looking for in-depth information on the topic of canine breeder excellence will find this information beneficial for their breeding program.
Here is the course outline:
1. Pearls and Pitfalls of Progesterone Testing Webinar
1 hr
2. Canine Brucellosis Webinar
1 hr
3. How Studly is Your Stud? Webinar
1 hr
4. C-Sections to Maximize Your Breeding Program Webinar |