Stewarding at the Dog Show
Stewards are an essential part of the success of a dog show. In addition to being representatives of the dog show community, they are responsible for their assigned ring and assisting judges in their duties. This eLearning program is ideal for individuals interested in stewarding and those currently working as stewards who want to enhance their knowledge and skills. It is also suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about the world of dog shows and the role of stewards in ensuring their success. Beginning with Course 1: Stewarding 101, you will learn the positive attributes of a good ring steward, general assignment and duty information, and how to find a stewarding assignment when you are ready to assist. Next, Course 2: Preparing for the Ring will cover obligations and etiquette, ring bag, table organization and setup, and key tasks that should be completed before judging begins. Finally, in Course 3: Running the Ring, we’ll take a closer look at how to handle check-ins, maintain ring awareness, and assist with ring management. |
Here is the course outline:
1. Stewarding 101 |
2. Preparing for the Ring |
3. Running the Ring |
4. Stewarding for Obedience |
5. Stewarding Additional Resources |